80% Lingkungan sangat mempengaruhi kita dan 60% pengalaman sangat membantu kita. Itu artinya kita harus melakukan tindakan yang nyata atau praktek untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kita. Dan bila belum terbiasa, maka lakukan 40 hari berturut-turut. Awal merupakan sulit. Namun kita bisa karena terbiasa...
Luruskan orientasimu!
Saling mengingatlah sesama teman
Satukan mimpi kita! Yosh!


Lately I am confused by the sentence used by the children now. Sometimes I am confused how to give soluisnya.
Surely one of you once said, "I like the confused", "this place is like the flood", and so forth. We take the word 'cave like confused' or 'I like confused'. Sure it sounds awkward. Because the truth is supposed to be 'sometimes I'm confused'. Then the second example, 'this place is like floods'. The truth is 'the place is often floods'. And many other sentences were spoken which would seem odd sounds.
Sometimes, I often criticize my friends say so.
Even so, sometimes my own corrections as well. Because I sure never say so, and now I am trying to find solutions to the use of these odd-sounding sentences.

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Andeke Parsi
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