80% Lingkungan sangat mempengaruhi kita dan 60% pengalaman sangat membantu kita. Itu artinya kita harus melakukan tindakan yang nyata atau praktek untuk meningkatkan kemampuan kita. Dan bila belum terbiasa, maka lakukan 40 hari berturut-turut. Awal merupakan sulit. Namun kita bisa karena terbiasa...
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'That God Still In Love? "

If I watch the soap operas or read in newspapers, there is one incident that makes me shaking his head. A man who escaped from death. Sure we should be grateful to Him the same because we are still given the chance to live. But that does not mean God does not love us because if we later died.
"It means that God still love you,"one said it felt strange to me. God will always be dear to us if we will always be dear to God. Accidents and grace is from God. If we would've died, it was already outlined in our Lord. Before we are born into the world, we had a dialogue with God that we will promise to obey Him and we are also told how long we'll stop in this mortal world.
And if evil befall us, it does not mean God hates us. For those who believe will definitely feel it is a temptation. God wants to know how much we love Him. Love it takes sacrifice. If we are indeed in love with him, show that we really love Him through all the trials. I know the ordeal is something that is very difficult. But we can take the example of the Prophet which mainly Ulul Azmi. God is with those who are patient, loh.
But if we are given the pleasure, we must be vigilant. Surely if we are given dong Praise His blessings. But we must be careful. Let us not be arrogant. Do not let us forget him. And lest we fall. Remember, that is in the worldly pleasures is sheer pleasure that we can not take it 'home'.
So anything that God gave to us, it is a test. And we must not be wrong to think about God.


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